Just Chill

Mondays...we dread them. Sunday nights...anxiety playing like little children in the playground for the first time. Our last wish before sleeping - wake me up a millionaire, if not, at least with a millionaire. Monday comes. Your hear the alarm faintly, a sound that has now registered itself in the highest level of hell.  A war in your heart commences...five minutes more or not? Do I really need this job? Bills, ah yes, those damn bills, and the clothes and this and that. You muster up every inch of energy left to get out of bed, shower, eat, then proceed to show up, at your desk. Congratulations, you've made it to day 1827. Worry not, only another 7830 of this to go. 

Now, all these sound familiar? Of course it does. See, when we were kids it was all about the playtime wasn't it? Fast forward 20 years and now taking rest is sometimes equated to being lazy. So everyone has to be doing something all the time. If they don't, then they're lazy? uninspired? not hustling? not grinding enough? not ambitious? goalless? Like picture yourself in this glass cage after a hard day's work, just sitting at this corner doing nothing, and this stream of "motivators" appear to be hurling gestures and knocking on your glass, asking you to get up and get going. They say the world is unkind to those who rest, even more harsh to those who get enough sleep when there are so many other people working while you are sleeping so you must work too! 

Yes, the world is unforgiving, but in return to appease that and be more unforgiving to my wellbeing feels sinful. Rest and doing nothing is part of this ecosystem. To be at your best, you need to rest all that has been at work. Everything made in this space, in this world, that is made to work, is made to end and it will eventually. To sustain without compromising your wellness, now this is where it gets a little tricky. Do not punish yourself for doing nothing. Doing nothing gives you all the space to understand better within and to come out better on the other side, tomorrow. Doing nothing is a reward, an applaud to each and every cell of your body, mind and soul, to celebrate them for all that they have contributed and by no mean should be judged for having what they deserve - a little rest. 

So the next time someone calls you out for doing nothing, please show them this. 

And for those of you who think people who do nothing are lazy, read this then come do nothing with me. 


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